Retail Crimewatch Scheme
Retail Crimewatch is an information and image sharing exclusion order scheme between Belfast City Centre Management (BCCM), retailers and the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). This crime reduction initiative allows retailers to serve civil Exclusion Orders on those found committing retail crime on their premises. Each month members receive images of individuals who are convicted shoplifters across Northern Ireland who have received an exclusion order. These individuals have been convicted through the courts and are banned from entering the premises of all members who clearly display the RCW logo on their doors.
Retail Crimewatch allows retailers to serve civil exclusion orders on those found committing retail crime on their premises. These images are shared through a secure online platform with two-factor authentication. The images are provided by the PSNI.
Retail Crimewatch takes a very practical approach in dealing with shoplifting by empowering shop owners to work together. Retail crime can have a significant impact on the performance of businesses, in particular independent businesses, as the financial loss of retail crime can quite literally put the viability of small businesses and jobs at risk.
An Exclusion Order advises the offender that from the date the order is issued, they are no longer permitted to enter your premises nor any other business that is a member of the scheme for an initial period of 12 months. If an offender has been caught reoffending within the initial 12 month period, their exclusion order will be extended by a further 12 months. Issuing an Exclusion Order will prevent the individual from entering your premises to commit retail crime, therefore reducing the risk of further stock loss. As a member of the Retail Crimewatch scheme members can issue an Exclusion Order to individuals who have been found:
Committing theft,
Attempting to commit theft, or
Going equipped for theft.
BCCM is continually working with the PSNI and the Public Prosecution Service (PPS) to secure burglary charges against repeat offenders for our members utilising our devised ‘Flagging System in conjunction with the PSNI.
If you have been issued an exclusion order and need more information, click on the following link to view our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document.
For more information on Retail Crimewatch please contact:
For information on how to address Business Crime, protecting your premises, protecting your stock and protecting your staff the PSNI have put together key points of advice which can be viewed on their website